Personal Security - Revolutionized

Stay Safe Informed Protected With Society.

Empower yourself with instant awareness of what's happening around you or someone you care about.

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Startup Stockholm
Stockholm University
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The Impact of Crime in Sweden

The Consequences of Criminality
Real world data

The Consequences of Criminality

In numbers

0 Million Victims

Swedish citizens where victims of crimes during 2022

0 Shootings

In Sweden during 2023
Feeling unsafe outdoors


Believes Criminality is increasing

A total of 85 percent of the population (aged 16–84) believes that the number of crimes in Sweden has increased over the past three years.

0 Billion SEK

Is the minimum annual cost of criminality in Sweden
Crime rates by industry 2023
Proportion of companies per industry exposed to crime in the past year
Real estate and property managers
Culture, entertainment and leisure
Hotels and restaurants
Construction industry


Is very worried

In 2023, 53 percent of the population (aged 16–84) are very concerned about crime in society.

Statistics doesn't matter when someone you love is the vitctim

Behind each number lies a story. While it's easy to dismiss these figures as distant realities, thinking "me? never!", the truth is, crime can knock on anyone's door, anytime. Whether it's a personal experience or that of someone close.

The Gap Between Feeling Unsafe and Calling for Help

You can't call 911 based solely on a feeling, no matter how intense. Yet, waiting until the situation escalates to an undeniable emergency might be too late. Society Safety App bridges the gap between

Safety Shouldn't Be a Gamble

Think of it like securing your home. Investing in a security system might seem unnecessary until you hear a bump in the night. Taking simple precautions for your family's safety might feel optional, until the unthinkable happens.
Safety across multiple industries

How Society Empowers Communities:

PhotoReal Its late during the night a group of neighbors gathe 3
Instant Awareness
Get immediate notifications about accidents, crimes, fires, and other critical situations happening nearby.
Faster Reponse
Get the help you need quicker. Verified users in your area can see your alert and offer immediate assistance while emergency services are on their way.
Community Collaboration
Building strong relationships between citizens, law enforcement, and other stakeholders fosters trust, cooperation, and a shared commitment to community safety.

A powerful platform

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Society Dashboard

What is the benifits of the Society platform?

Society's platform serves as a hub for information sharing, real-time alerts, and collaborative decision-making. By harnessing the power of technology and data, Society connects individuals and communities, enabling them to share safety concerns, provide mutual support, and mobilize resources in times of need.

Enhanced awareness:
Sharing safety information and alerts helps individuals stay informed about potential threats and be more proactive in their safety measures.
Quicker response:
When incidents are reported promptly, authorities can respond more quickly and effectively, reducing the likelihood of escalation and ensuring the safety of those involved.
Community empowerment:
By empowering individuals and fostering a sense of collective responsibility, we create a safer and more resilient community.
Data-driven Insights:
Collecting data on the impact of crime prevention efforts is vital for ongoing evaluation and improvement. This feedback helps fine-tune approaches and boost their effectiveness for enhanced community safety.

Empowering communities through personal security and data insights

Stories of the citizens

Stories of the citizens aims to highlight the unique experiences, challenges, and successes of everyday people

Safety across multiple industries

How Society Empowers Communities:

In-app emergency alerting: With a simple push of a button, you can instantly notify emergency services of your location and any immediate threats.
Community Collaboration
Building strong relationships between citizens, law enforcement, and other stakeholders fosters trust, cooperation, and a shared commitment to community safety.
Collecting data on the impact of crime prevention efforts is vital for ongoing evaluation and improvement. This feedback helps fine-tune approaches and boost their effectiveness for enhanced community safety.